The Gold Resource Library offers collections of databases, videos, courses, curriculum materials, best practices, books, podcasts, links to related organizations, and more to help foster the human connection in healthcare. Browse collections organized by topic, format, or audience.

Share a resource: Do you know of a resource related to humanism in healthcare that would benefit the Gold community? We welcome you to share it with us here.

Practical Applications of Humanism
Database of practical applications of humanism, GHHS chapter initiatives, and more.
Research on Humanism
Database of peer-reviewed articles, Research Roundup Newsletter, and more.
Clinician Wellbeing
Gold Wellness Workshops, suicide prevention resources, practical ideas, data points, and more.
Equity and Inclusion
Related content from webinars, conference recordings, free online course, and more.
Art, Design and Humanities
A celebration of ways to integrate art, design & humanities into healthcare practice and reflection.
Climate and Health
Websites and
toolkits that highlight the impacts of climate change and actions that can be taken to
promote health equity.
Humanism Courses
Register for free open online courses on humanism and other topics.
Podcasts related to humanism in healthcare, including The Gold Connection, produced by the Gold Humanism Honor Society.
Reading Corner
Gold Reading Lists, book reviews, Gold Foundation’s site.
Patient Perspectives
Initiatives that amplify the voices of patients and their caregivers as partners in their care.
For Patients and Caregivers
Resources to help patients and caregivers be active partners and develop a strong relationship with clinicians based on trust, respect, and honesty.
Organizations Centered on Humanistic Healthcare
Organizations and initiatives that promote trusting clinical relationships, offer communication tools, and promote systems change.
Webinars, scholar programs, awards, and more, for and by nursing students, educators and leaders.
Resources, grants, awards, toolkits, and more for residents, fellows and Graduate Medical Education (GME) leaders.
Resources and programs for students in the healthcare professions.
Humanism Centers
Centers of humanism created at a handful of medical schools.
Webinars and Videos
Gold Human InSight Webinars, Gold conference session recordings, keynote speeches, and more.