Tell Me More®

Tell Me More® is a quick connection tool that invites patients, and their families, to help their healthcare team get to know them better, and to help interdisciplinary teams get to know one another better. Tell Me More® is available for any care setting, including hospitals and clinics, through a Gold Foundation license. Tell Me More® can also be adapted for healthcare corporations to support their employees in creating strong and meaningful connections with patients or customers, as well as their own colleagues, to see the human being that is in front of them.

Tell Me More® licenses come with helpful best practice resources, including a training video and how-to guide. Please reach out to Judith Friedland, Director of Partner Engagement, to learn more about implementing this meaningful program into your institution.

Compassion is good medicine

First implemented in 2014, the goal of Tell Me More® (TMM) is simple: to allow patients, caregivers, and hospital staff to connect with each other on a more human level. It was originally designed by medical students to strengthen the critical bond that exists between people who are patients and the individuals who care for them. Tell Me More® allows patients and caregivers to get to know each other beyond their diagnoses and job descriptions.

Tell Me More® expressions are hung bedside in patients’ rooms, and now can be worn on caregiver and staff badges, and displayed in public areas. They serve as easy conversation-starters, promoting a culture of compassion and humanity throughout the hospital.

“…This project is the best one ever…It tells you something you don’t [normally go in and] ask the patient…so I can easily go in there and have a conversation and we just immediately connect.”

What others are saying…

“When I took a few extra minutes to learn about the patient’s story, it helped me focus on what I love about my job instead of all the paperwork and scheduling and the things that make it feel like work. The patients aren’t work, they are my inspiration every day.” – A radiation therapist who participated in Tell Me More® with patients

“Even if just for one second, it encourages everyone to see a patient as an individual and not just a condition that we want to treat and discharge home.”

“The program is unique in that it encourages the opportunity to visit with patients, just to talk and hold their hands and share stories, and not have to examine them or do procedures on them.”


Learn more about the origin of this wonderful program.

Bring Tell Me More® to your institution

Please reach out to Judith Friedland, Director, Gold Corporate Council and Partner Engagement, to arrange a Tell Me More® license for your institution.

A portion of the licensing or other fees associated with this program supports the continued work of the Gold Foundation.