Jordan J. Cohen Humanism in Medicine Lecture at the AAMC Conference

The Arnold P. Gold Foundation, in partnership with the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC), sponsors the Jordan J. Cohen Humanism in Medicine Lecture at the AAMC Annual Meeting. These lectures feature prominent speakers on topics related to humanism and medicine.

Dr. Kimberly ManningIn 2024, the Jordan J. Cohen Lecturer will be Dr. Kimberly Manning, a national leader in humanism and health equity, Emory Professor, and Gold Trustee. Her lecture, “Wisdom at the Bedside,” will be held on Sunday, November 10 10:30 to 11:45 a.m. in Atlanta at the Learn Serve Lead conference.

Wisdom at the Bedside” will offer a narrative journey of lessons gained through listening and reflecting. Our most powerful teachable moments, Dr, Manning observes, happen not through lectures, articles, test preparation, or textbooks — but simply through listening. Whether we are listening to a patient, a person who steps onto the elevator, a worried loved one, a peer, or even children giggling on a playground, there is much to learn when we open ourselves to hearing from others.

Gold Foundation President and CEO Dr. Kathleen Reeves will be introducing Dr. Manning.

Read the full announcement of Dr. Manning’s lecture.

Register for 2024 Learn Serve Lead.

Past Speakers

Reed V. Tuckson, MD, FACP

Managing Director
Tuckson Health Connections, LLC
"Confronting Misinformation and Mistrust"

Lawrence G. Smith, MD, MACP

Gold Foundation Trustee
Executive Vice President for Northwell Health
and Founding Dean Emeritus of the Zucker School of Medicine
"Systemic Barriers to Humanism and Professionalism"

Nadine Burke Harris, MD, MPH, FAAP

Award-winning physician, researcher and advocate
Author: "The Deepest Well: Healing the Long-Term Effects of Childhood Adversity"
“Humanism: A Hidden Catalyst for Medical Innovation”

Rana Awdish, MD

Author and Director of the Pulmonary Hypertension Program and Medical Director of Care Experience at Henry Ford Hospital
“The Wound is the Gift.”

George Thibault, MD

Immediate Past President of the Josiah Macy Jr. Foundation
"Humanism in Medicine: What Does it Mean and Why is it More Important than Ever?"

Don Berwick, MD, MPP

President Emeritus and Senior Fellow, Institute for Healthcare Improvement
“Changing the Balance of Power: New Designs for More Capable Care”

Brian D. Hodges, MEd, PhD

Professor, University of Toronto
Vice President Education at the University Health Network
Project Lead for the AMS Phoenix Project.
"Without Compassion There is no Healthcare: The AMS Phoenix Project – A Call to Caring"

Daniel Goleman, PhD

Author: "Emotional Intelligence and Focus, The Hidden Driver of Excellence"
"Emotionally Intelligent Healthcare"

Anna Quindlen

Best-selling author
Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist
Social critic
"Healthcare in an Age of Information: How Doctors, Nurses and Consumers Can Make One Another Better"

Louise Aronson, MD

Geriatrician and Writer
"Transforming Healthcare in a Toxic Era: Shifting Medicine’s Paradigm to Increase Value and Meaning"

Parker J. Palmer

Founder and Senior Partner
Center for Courage & Renewal
Author: Healing and the Heart of Democracy
"Healing, Healthcare and the Broken Heart"

Abraham Verghese, MD

Professor for the Theory and Practice of Medicine
Senior Associate Chair of the Department of Internal Medicine
Stanford University School of Medicine
Author: Cutting for Stone
"Books and the Bedside"

Jonathan Woodson, MD

Associate Dean for Students and Diversity
Boston University School of Medicine
"Restructuring Medical Education to Meet the Social Contract"

Risa Lavizzo-Mourey, MD, MBA

President and CEO, The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
"Transforming Healthcare for the Betterment of Patients"

Samuel Shem, MD (pen-name of Stephen Bergman, MD, PhD)

Harvard Medical School faculty for 35 years
Author, The House of God and The Spirit of the Place
"Staying Human: The House of God and The Spirit of the Place"

Jerome Groopman, MD

Recanati Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical School
Chief of Experimental Medicine, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center
Author, How Doctors Think
"How Doctors Think"

Jerry Avorn, MD

Associate Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical School
Chief, Division of Pharmacoepidemiology & Pharmacoeconomics, Brigham & Women's Hospital
"The Sacred Act of Prescribing: Humanism Welded to Science"

Abraham Verghese, MD

Joaquin Cigarroa Jr. Chair and Marvin Forland Distinguished Professor,
Director, Center for Medical Humanities and Ethics
The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio
"In Search of the Medical in Medical Humanities"

Rachel Naomi Remen, MD

Institute for the Study of Health and Illness
Professor, University of California - San Francisco School of Medicine
The Search for Compassion and Meaning in Medicine

David Leach, MD

Executive Director
The Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME)
"The Power of Community in Academic Medicine"

Kenneth I. Shine, MD

Director, Rand Center for Domestic and International Health Security
Former President, the Institute of Medicine
"Medical Education: Knowing and Understanding Patients"


Daniel Federman, MD

Senior Dean for Alumni Relations and Clinical Teaching
Harvard Medical School
"A Humanistic Ethic for Medical Education"

Edward Hundert, MD

Dean, School of Medicine & Dentistry
Professor of Psychiatry & Medical Humanities
University of Rochester School of Medicine & Dentistry
"Humanism, Mentoring and The Golden Rule"

Jerome Groopman, MD

Recanati Professor of Medicine
Harvard Medical School
"The Intersection of Science and the Soul"