In 2022, #SolidarityWeek took place February 14-18. GHHS members from across the nation celebrated their patients and colleagues by spreading the joy of compassionate care. If your chapter participated in Solidarity Week but isn’t featured here, please share your photos with Louisa at
From February 14 to 18, 2022, GHHS members are leading a variety of activities including Valentine Rounds at Howard University, humanistic Bingo at the University of Minnesota, and Healing Haiku event at Cooper Medical School at Rowan University. Here is a sampling of their projects tweeted out from the GHHS chapters. Thank you to everyone who is participating!
NJMS Chapter Gold Humanism Honor Society celebrated Solidary Week in their “Kisses for Kards” and “Goodie Bags for Unsung Heroes of University Hospital” events. Kisses for Kards-Participants were invited to spread some love with making Kards for your Valentine and your favorite faculty, resident, nurse, and whoever!!! Sweet treats were offered in the form of “Hershey’s chocolate kisses. Goodie Bags for Unsung Heroes of University Hospital: Pharmacy, Materials and Supply Management(kept everyone supplied with PPE), and Respiratory Therapists. The goody bags contained treats and a stress ball.