About GHHS

Inspiration for GHHS came from medical educators and residency program directors who expressed a need for a way to identify applicants to residency training programs who had outstanding clinical and interpersonal skills.

The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, The Berrie Foundation, and an anonymous donor gave generously to launch GHHS. We are grateful for their crucial support.

Since its inception in 2002, GHHS has grown in influence to become a vital part of medical school and residency training program cultures throughout the US.

In 2012, we celebrated 10 years of GHHS:

In 2016, a GHHS identifier was placed on the Electronic Residency application:

GHHS membership is something institutions advisors look for in residency applicants. The power of GHHS lies in bringing together like-minded individuals to sustain their own humanism and to inspire and nurture humanism in others.

“It is hardest to practice the values of empathy and compassion when I am behind on my schedule, when multiple patients are waiting, and I feel pressure to rush. Physicians that do it best are the ones that are able to focus on each individual patient in the moment and temporarily forget the factors outside the room that discourage compassion.”  – 4th year medical student and GHHS Member

Read ERAS medical residency application to include GHHS identifier.

A designation of compassion

The Gold Humanism Honor Society (GHHS) recognizes students, residents and faculty who are exemplars of compassionate patient care and who serve as role models, mentors, and leaders in medicine. GHHS members are peer nominated and are the ones whom others say they want taking care of their own family.

The Society currently has over 50,000 members in training and practice.

Benefits of GHHS membership

With the support of the Gold Foundation and GHHS Supporters, GHHS funds educational events, supports research, promotes professional growth and creates opportunities for GHHS members to network with others who share their values and beliefs.

Benefits include: