Do you have a creative eye for design?
Is editing videos or podcasts your specialty?
Are you passionate about turning a vision into a reality?
About On Human Terms:
On Human Terms is a dynamic and interactive series where we will do a deep dive into the rich history of healthcare, discover pivotal moments and figures that have shaped the field, engage with philosophical underpinnings of medicine and its ethical dilemmas, as well as the importance of humanistic approaches to patient care. Through engaging presentations, interactive workshops, and thought-provoking discussions, participants will gain a deeper understanding of how empathy, compassion, and communication play a crucial role in providing quality healthcare.
GHHS is looking for dedicated individuals to help support the On Human Terms series!
Whether you’re experienced in marketing and communications, graphic design, or video or podcast editing, your expertise can make a difference. If you’re passionate about humanism in healthcare and eager to contribute your skills, we’d love to have you on board.
Join us in creating an engaging and informative educational series and make a positive impact on healthcare today!