Golden Glimmer Theme #13

The world at large, and healthcare as a result, is experiencing a deficit of compassion and empathy. The Gold Humanism Honor Society invites our community to work together to begin to bridge the gaps in a polarized world.

Humanism in healthcare puts people at the center:

  • The person in front of you
  • The caregivers beside you
  • The community around you

People can have wildly different views, experiences, backgrounds, and ideas. These differences make the world beautiful. And sometimes, they can also lead to challenging moments — in the world and in healthcare.

In honor of the 2023-24 GHHS annual initiative, The Gold Compass: Using Humanism to Navigate Different Perspectives & Create Human-Centered Care, for our 13th Golden Glimmer theme we are seeking haiku about how the power of empathy and compassion can mitigate the divide in a polarized world.

What is a Golden Glimmer?

Golden Glimmers are a way for GHHS members and the whole Gold community to express themselves! We periodically invite themed submissions in the form of art, writing, photos and more. A selection of submissions are shared on our website and social media pages.

What is a haiku?

A haiku is a traditional, three-line, Japanese poem that contains seventeen syllables. The first and third line contain five syllables each, while the second line contains seven syllables (5/7/5).

Submit your haiku:

Your haiku should answer the following prompt:

How can the power of empathy and compassion mitigate the divide in a polarized world?