Golden Glimmer Theme 11: Golden Moments

The idea for this Golden Glimmer came from GHHS members Brenda Maricela Varriano and Samuel Mathias Borer, medical students at Central Michigan University. Golden Glimmers are a way for GHHS members to express themselves, and at the same time stay connected with their GHHS peers! We will periodically request themed submissions in the form of art, writing, photos and more, and share a selection of submissions on the Gold website and social media pages. Do you have an idea for a future Golden Glimmer? Email GHHS Program Manager Melissa Hernandez at

When was the moment you realized that medicine was more than simply science, but also intertwined with philosophy and humanity?

Many of us have experienced an “aha” moment when a patient or experience altered the way we viewed medicine. We invite you to share a moment where you experienced humanity in medicine.

These stories will be compiled and shared with fellow GHHS members. This can be a moment before or during your medical training or in your practice. Moments of inspiration are unique for everyone, so we do not want to limit how you share this. Submissions can be in the form of essay, art, music, or whatever you feel best expresses your experience.

The submission period is closed. Check out a blog piece on the “aha” moments that we received here.