GHHS Virtual Inductions

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the need for social distancing, many Gold Humanism Honor Society (GHHS) inductions are being shifted to virtual events. Traditionally, these gatherings brought new inductees together with their family members, friends, faculty mentors, and medical school leaders to celebrate and support them as role models of humanistic care.

Humanism in healthcare is more critical than ever in this crisis, and the Gold Foundation encourages GHHS chapters to continue to hold their 2022 inductions. These virtual events reinforce the importance of humanism, honor those who have demonstrated a commitment to humanistic care, and provide a bright light and moment of joy in this difficult time.

The Gold Foundation has assembled resources to help your GHHS chapter create a virtual induction ceremony, including a welcome video and PowerPoint slides for your program. The Gold Foundation can help provide a recording of your ceremony. Gold Foundation representatives are also available to join your virtual ceremony to say a few brief words and congratulate your newest inductees.

Please see below for details. When you are ready to share your ceremony time/date and inductees’ information, and request access to the tools you’d like to use during your ceremony, please fill out the GHHS Virtual Induction Form.

View the photo gallery of past GHHS virtual inductions!

GHHS welcome video

This video is available to play as part of your induction program.

Virtual induction program (PPT)

Please click on the image below to access a copy of the Virtual Induction Program PowerPoint.

This program guide accompanies this PowerPoint to assist the ceremony leader.

Ceremony recordings

GHHS chapters are welcome to use a Gold Foundation Zoom account that has been dedicated to  GHHS virtual inductions. Chapter advisers should request this option on the GHHS Virtual Induction Form and note their ceremony’s time and date. A Gold staff member will be in touch to provide a link and password. The ceremony will automatically be recorded, and your chapter will have access to the recording later to save and share the ceremony.

Please e-mail Stacy Morris at smorris@gold-foundation for more details.

Digital certificates

In ordinary times, new GHHS members receive a pin and a certificate during their induction ceremony. Due to the pandemic, the Gold Foundation has suspended delivery of pins and paper certificates for now. We can provide personalized PDF certificates to GHHS chapter advisors for distribution by email to each inductee.

Request PDF certificates as part of the GHHS Virtual Induction FormYou will need to list all the new inductees’ names in this spreadsheet template and upload it to the induction form.Please double-check all name spellings, as the PDF certificates will be automatically filled based on the spreadsheet information.

Gold speakers & keynote addresses

The Gold Foundation is offering GHHS chapters the opportunity to have a Gold representative join your virtual induction ceremony to say a few brief words and congratulate the 2020 inductee.

In the future, a longer taped keynote address by a Gold leader will also be available.

Please note on the GHHS Virtual Induction Form if you are interested in either or both options, and we will work with you to schedule a Gold representative to join your ceremony.

GHHS Virtual Induction Photo Gallery

The Gold Foundation staff will place a screenshot of your new inductees into our special 2020 frame and share it on social media. View the GHHS Virtual Induction Photo Gallery.

New York Medical College GHHS Virtual Induction Ceremony 2020

Add new inductees to the GHHS member database

Chapter advisors/liaisons also need to manually register all new GHHS members, along with their current contact information and member type (student, resident, fellow, or faculty), in the GHHS database. View step-by-step directions on how to add your new inductees. This database is critical for ensuring all new inductees are recorded as GHHS members and receive future updates from the Gold Foundation.

If you are a new chapter advisor/liaison, please contact Stacy Morris at for login information.