GHHS Distinguished Chapter Awards

Each year, the Gold Humanism Honor Society presents the Distinguished Chapter Awards. These awards recognize and celebrate exemplary chapter achievement in fostering humanism in medicine through chapter-initiated action, events, and research.

This year, each chapter has the opportunity to apply for a variety of more targeted awards to acknowledge and highlight their humanistic activities.

Distinguished Chapter Award

The Distinguished Chapter Award is a comprehensive award for a chapter that has shown exceptional impact on its school’s culture. All of the following elements must be included in the application and are considered when selecting a recipient:

  • Learning Environment/Research: Demonstrated activity to improve and sustain a humanistic learning environment for medical students and residents
  • Service Activities: Initiatives and/or projects that contribute to fostering humanistic patient care and/or the values of humanism in medicine
  • Research: Definitive research and/or development that advances humanistic patient-centered care
  • Leadership: Defined efforts to enhance the leadership skills of medical students and residents

Trailblazer Awards

A new addition to our chapter awards in 2020 are the Trailblazer Awards! These awards are dedicated to the specific efforts of our GHHS community. The four categories for Trailblazer Awards are:

  • Community Service/Community Engagement Activity: An award given to a chapter that has made a concerted effort to both research the specific needs of their surrounding communities and engage them in service-based projects.
  • Scholarly Projects (IRB, QI, published) to increase humanism in patient care or medical education: For consideration, this project must be nearing (or recently) completed.: An award given to a chapter for the advancement of humanism in medicine through a research project.
  •  Regional Conference: An award given to a chapter for producing a regional conference or event. (Reviewers will consider: content, scope, # of attendees, etc.)
  • Most Innovative programs to engage existing GHHS members (as residents or faculty) in UME Chapter Activities: An award given to a chapter that has initiated activities with the intent of engaging their GHHS community beyond their active student membership.

Winners of the Distinguished Chapter and Trailblazer Awards will receive a plaque of recognition for display in their institution and a $400 award to support new or ongoing service activities or projects. Each Chapter Award winner and those receiving Honorable Mention will be featured on the Gold Foundation website, and letters of acknowledgement and celebration will be sent to the appropriate institutional leaders and institutional communication departments for display. You will be offered opportunities to discuss and present your work in future GHHS publications and conferences.

To apply for a 2020 Distinguished Chapter or Trailblazer Award click HERE.


Past Distinguished Chapter Winners