Thank you for your interest in our session “Exploring Innovative Mentoring in Medical Training Environments” at AAMC14.
Exploring Innovative Mentoring in Medical Training Environments
Monday November 10th
Presenters: William Branch, Jr., Jennifer Koestler, Elizabeth Toll and Benjamin Blatt
Interactions with mentors have been shown to enhance medical students’ overall well-being, increase research productivity, and encourage them to give more thought to career choices. However, classic one-to-one mentoring relationships may not be successful because of a limited pool of mentors, lack of personal connection, and undirected agendas. In this interactive session, participants will discuss the definition of mentoring and learn about tools for building a mentoring climate from Dr. William Branch, a national expert in mentoring. A panel of representatives from three medical training institutions will then share information about their novel mentoring programs that were recently funded by The Arnold P. Gold Foundation. The speaker will invite panelists and members of the audience to think through fundamental mentoring frameworks that can be put into place to support medical students and residents in their training.