2022-2023 Peer Nomination Survey Pilot

Numerous articles have shown peer nomination to be accurate and reliable and may be particularly useful for assessing interpersonal skills.  A multi-institutional study published in Academic Medicine revealed that a peer nomination survey given to medical students can be used to select for student exemplars who manifest characteristics of clinical competence, caring and community service. Also, the recent JamaOpen article examining the demographics of GHHS and AOA suggests that peer nomination may be useful in promoting diversity, equity and inclusion (list of citations below)

To ensure that the survey which acts as our tool to identify students for nomination to the Gold Humanism Honor Society (GHHS) remain relevant and correlated to the mission and values of the Gold Foundation, we are undergoing a process to revise and revalidate.

We are looking for chapters who are interested in supporting the Foundation by piloting additional questions in their nomination process for the next two years.

If your chapter is interested in supporting this work, you’ll need to complete this brief Interest form.  (This form requires a passcode to view. If you’d like to complete this form, please contact GHHS Director, Louisa Tvito.)


Hill KA, Desai MM, Chaudhry SI, et al. Association of Marginalized Identities With Alpha Omega Alpha Honor Society and Gold Humanism Honor Society Membership Among Medical Students. JAMA Netw Open. 2022;5(9):e2229062.
McCormack WT, Lazarus C, Stern D, Small Jr PA. Peer nomination: A tool for identifying medical student exemplars in clinical competence and caring, evaluated at three medical schools. Academic Medicine. 2007;82(11):1033-1039.
Sunstein CR. Group judgments: Statistical means, deliberation, and information markets. NYUL Rev. 2005;80:962.
Becker J, Brackbill D, Centola D. Network dynamics of social influence in the wisdom of crowds. Proceedings of the national academy of sciences. 2017;114(26):E5070-E5076.
Kubany AJ. Use of sociometric peer nominations in medical education research. Journal of Applied Psychology. 1957;41(6):389.
Linn BS, Arostegui M, Zeppa R. Performance rating scale for peer and self assessment. British Journal of Medical Education. 1975;9(2):98-101.
Kane JS, Lawler EE. Methods of peer assessment. Psychol Bull. 1978;85(3):555.
Lurie SJ, Nofziger AC, Meldrum S, Mooney C, Epstein RM. Temporal and group‐related trends in peer assessment amongst medical students. Medical Education. 2006;40(9):840-847.