5 ways to get involved

How can you be part of the Gold Foundation and our mission of humanism in healthcare?

Here are ideas to get started.

5 ways to get involved

  1. Donate to support our mission. A monthly donation is a wonderful way to show your commitment to humanistic care for all.
  2. Attend our Gold Gala on June 10th in New York City. Purchase a ticket or sponsorship to show your support and enjoy a wonderful evening celebrating humanism in healthcare.
  3. Attend our Gold Humanism Summit, a wonderful gathering with cutting-edge humanism tools, insights, lessons, and inspiration.The next one is in the works for fall 2025.
  4. Explore our Resource Library for tools, webinars, and much more.
  5. Sign up for our newsletters to learn about events and opportunities.

Bonus ways for healthcare professionals

    1. Use our Medallia Gold Humanism Trust Tool to measure patient-clinician connection.
    2. Use our Tell Me More communications tool to learn more about your patients and connect on a human level.

Bonus ways to engage for patients

    1. Visit the Resource Library Collection for Patients and Caregivers.
    2. Suggest your hospital, community health center, or doctor use our Tell Me More communications tool to have more meaningful healthcare interactions.

Bonus ways to engage for executives and deans

  1. Join the Gold Partners Council or Gold Corporate Council.
  2. Sponsor the Gold Gala or Gold Humanism Summit to showcase your institution’s commitment to humanistic care for all.
  3. Adopt our Medallia Gold Humanism Trust Tool to measure patient-clinician connection and provide helpful feedback for your team.
  4. Implement our Tell Me More communications tool in all patient interactions so your team learns more about their patients. Human connection has shown to both improve patient experience and clinician well-being.