Aubrey Chang, Kedong Wang & Vivy Tran Albert Einstein College of Medicine
Understanding Knowledge and Attitudes About Breast Cancer and its Treatment in Ethiopia
Azam Siddiqui Georgia Regents Research Institute
Raising awareness for screening and genetic counseling for thalassemia and sickle cell disease in India
Breona Barr Wake Forest University School of Medicine
Implementation of Oral and Self-Collected Rectal Swabs for N. gonorrhoeae and C. trachomatis Detection as a Component of Local Health Department Outreach Testing
Chengetai Mahomva Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth
Identifying the challenges & potential improvements to the transition that children in the Greys Hospital Tracheostomy Home Care Service (South Africa) make when beginning to attend school independently
Chloe Edinger Florida International University, Wetheim College of Medicine
Conceiving Disparity: Exploring Lifetime Stressors on Perception of Pregnancy in Homeless Mothers
Daniel Gouger ETSU Quillen College of Medicine
Evidenced-based Risk Factors and Patient Self-Perception for Cardiovascular Disease Described in the General Hispanic Population Served by a Community Health Center in Upper East Tennessee
Dominique Monlezun Tulane University School of Medicine
Medical School-based Teaching Kitchen Integrated with a Food Desert Grocery Store Testing a Novel Student-Led Culinary Medicine Intervention for Lower Income Diabetics
Emily Knudsen University of Virginia School of Medicine
University Medical Associates Insulin Titration Program
Jackie Cornell & Neil Vallabh Northeast Ohio Medical University
HIV Education: Adolescents and Healthcare Providers in Kenya
Jia Xin Huang University of Vermont
Platicas de Salud: Empowering Latino farmworkers to make informed health care decisions one conversation at a time
Judy Diep University of Rochester School of Medicine & Dentistry
The relationship between objective and subjective social status of a caretaker and asthma management and outcomes for urban children
Winnie Zou Baylor College of Medicine
Community-Based Participatory Solutions for the Homeless in Houston, TX
Lauren Houdek University of Pennsylvania, Perelman School of Medicine
Internet, Social Media, and Health: Engaging Homeless Youth to Determine the Potential for Improving Health Outcomes
Lauren Lim & Alex Schmalz Tulane University School of Medicine
Bringing the Benefits of Primary Care to an Underserved New Orleans Community
Leslie Maness Boston University School of Medicine
Pediatric Medication Dosing Errors among Parents with Low Health Literacy and Limited English Proficiency: Identifying Strategies to Promote the Safe Use of Pediatric Medications
Margaret Jones University of Cincinnati
Using Geographic Data to Predict Completion of Preventive Services for young children
Marielle Meurice University of Iowa College of Medicine
Identifying Barriers to Accessing Information and Treatment for Obstetric Fistula in Niamey, Niger
Mary Kathryn Orsulak Tulane University School of Medicine
Women’s Health Education And Empowerment in a Substance Abuse Recovery Center
Meron Hirpa & Omar Iqbal University of Florida
Increasing Access to Healthcare in Gainesville’s Homeless Population
Michelle Lee Midwestern University, Arizona College of Osteopathic Medicine
Assessing Impact of Improved School-Based Health Centers on Low-Income Adolescent Health and School Performance in Los Angeles
Molly Cook University of Massachusetts
Teen Dating Violence Workshops for Youth in Central MA
Rebecca Duron University of Alabama
Increasing Cervical Cancer Screening at Clinica Verde in Boaco, Nicaragua
Robert Medairos, Vicky Kang & Mathew Kramer Rush Medical College
Physical activity in underserved populations: Identifying barriers and technological preferences
Samuel Wainwright University of Illinois at Chicago
Exploring the unique role of the medical student in lowering barriers to enrollment in the Affordable Care Act’s Medicaid expansion
Samy Bendjemil University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio
Evaluation of Community Health Clubs in Port-au-Prince, Haiti
Shannon Mentock Wake Forest University School of Medicine
Treatment-seeking behavior and compliance in diabetic patients in rural Cameroon
Turja Chakrabarti, Veronica Holbrook & Lee Ouyang Eastern Virginia Medical School
Identifying Barriers to Healthcare Access in CVD Patients in an Urban Indian Slum: Lessons from Kolkata
Vincenzo Polsinelli University at Buffalo, SUNY
Estimating the prevalence of Hypertension and its risk factors in rural Haiti
Yael Shinar University of Michigan
Metaphors We Heal By: A Photovoice Study of Living with Type 1 Diabetes
Ynhi Thai University of Alabama Birmingham
The Effects of the Social Determinants of Health on Gendered Obesity Outcomes within a Latino Community