September 19th, 2024
TIME:6:00 pm ET

Meeting Others Where They Are: Cultivating an Ethic of Care (webinar)

The Gold Humanism Honor Society is excited to partner with the Kern National Network for Flourishing in Medicine for a special series of webinars about connection, community, and identity formation. These sessions are open to all members of the Gold community.

Meeting Others Where They Are: Cultivating an Ethic of Care

Caring is more than being nice or having a kind demeanor. At its most powerful, caring is an ongoing, human-centered approach that leads to growth, development, and a stronger society. Creating caring systems and spaces allows individuals to be attentive to needs, responsible for one another, and responsive to changes. Through creative expression and caring practices, discover the transformational potential of an ethic of care. This session will explore how our values, experiences, and moral sensibilities can be applied in making decisions that maintain human dignity and support flourishing.


  • Recognize key elements of caring that lead to individual and societal flourishing and identify how they can be integrated across disciplines, systems and teams.
  • Practice reflection and active listening to cultivate a humanistic approach and caring mindset.
  • Use practical wisdom and a narrative approach to understanding others’ experiences to inform decision-making in complex situations.

Register here

Next session:
Bring Your Best Self: Creating Environments of Growth
Thursday, October 10, 2024