The deadline has passed. If you have any questions, please email Louisa Tvito at Thank you!
GHHS Chapter Advisors, thank you for joining us in celebrating the 20th anniversary of the Gold Humanism Honor Society!
As part of our 2022 Annual Gala, which returns to New York City on June 9th, we plan to recognize one GHHS member from each GHHS chapter in our digital Gala Journal, online, and on screen in a video.
GHHS Chapter Advisors, we would like to invite you to select one representative from your chapter who embodies humanism in healthcare and who has been instrumental in your chapter’s success.
This representative can be a current leader, someone who helped establish the chapter in its early days, or an outstanding member from any year in between. Your GHHS chapter representative will join others from 180+ GHHS Chapters to form a constellation of spectacular GHHS members who have demonstrated leadership and passion and made a mark on GHHS over these two remarkable decades.
We will send your representative and your GHHS chapter a link to join the Gala virtually, and we will sharing information in the coming weeks on how to join in the fun by hosting a local viewing party. If your representative happens to be in the New York City area and would like to attend the Gala in person, we can provide a complimentary ticket, as well. Please let us know.
In addition, one of the gala honorees, GHHS member Dr. Michele Harper, will be accepting her National Humanism in Medicine Medal on behalf of the entire GHHS community. Learn more about Dr. Harper and the other three medalists and the 2022 Annual Gala.
Please share your chapter’s representative by May 20.
If you have any questions, please email Louisa Tvito at Thank you!