February 14, 2014 is the 4th annual GHHS National Solidarity Day for Compassionate Patient Care. Initiated in 2011 by the Gold Humanism Honor Society (GHHS) after the tragic shooting of Representative Gabrielle Giffords in Tucson, Arizona, Solidarity Day recognizes the importance of compassion between healthcare professionals and their patients.
Representative Giffords’ emergency room physician, Dr. Randall Friese, struck a chord when he said that the most important thing he did for her in the ER was to take her hand and tell her that she was in the hospital and would be cared for.
Last year, medical students, doctors, and healthcare professionals at over 70 medical schools and institutions joined in Solidarity Day by participating in a wide range of activities, including spending extra time getting to know their patients, distributing thank you cards to co-workers, and volunteering in their communities.
The same year, the U.S. Senate unanimously passed a resolution declaring February 14, 2013 National Solidarity Day for Compassionate Patient Care. Find out more and see how you and your organization can join the celebration this year.