The Arnold P. Gold Foundation joined with Nurses with Global Impact, Inc. to honor nurses during International Nurses Day at the United Nations on Friday, May 11, 2018. The celebration was hosted by Nurses With Global Impact, Inc., which is led by Gold Foundation Board member Deb O’Hara-Rusckowski. Twenty-one nurses from across the globe, nominated by 11 organizations, were honored with the 2018 Inspiring Global Nurse Award.

The 2nd Annual International Nurses Day was held on May 11, 2018, at the United Nations in New York, NY.
More than 280 attendees gathered at the United Nations headquarters in New York City for the event, which began with a welcoming speech by Mrs. O’Hara-Rusckowski. In explaining the significance of the day, she said, “So often nurses work incredibly hard, giving totally of themselves, without any recognition – we know you don’t do it for recognition.You do it for the love of humankind, the dignity of all, and the belief that all are deserving of quality healthcare.”
Sixteen of the 21 nurse honorees were in attendance to receive their engraved glass bowl award, which reads “Inspiring Global Nurse Award, United Nations, New York, 2018,” and Nurses with Global Impact pendulum necklace. In addition, the celebration was broadcast live for those who were unable to attend, including a Syrian refugee nurse whose story brought the audience to tears and prompted a standing ovation. Read about each nurse honoree on the Nurses With Global Impact website here and view the recorded broadcast here.

Gold Foundation nurse honoree Anna Murphy, APG/GNP-BC, receives her award (second from right), alongside (from left to right) Gold Foundation President and CEO Dr. Richard I. Levin, Board Chairman Richard C. Sheerr, Chief Program Officer Dr. Elizabeth Cleek, and Nurses With Global Impact Founder Deb O’Hara-Rusckowski, RN, MBA.
The Gold Foundation honored three nurses for their exceptional impact both nationally and beyond our borders. The first being Karen Gottlieb, RN, MBA, Executive Director of AmeriCares Free Clinics, Inc., which is a free clinic program serving the low income and uninsured population of Connecticut. The second honoree recognized by the Gold Foundation was nurse Edwin Obreen Koko from Sondu, Kenya, who provides care in the Kisumu Kenya Region, home of the highest HIV/AIDS prevalence in Eastern Africa. And our third honoree, Anna Murphy, APG/GNP-BC, provides care for at-risk individuals through the Pilsen Homeless Health Services, in Chicago, Illinois.
In addition to participating in the celebration, nurses in attendance could receive 2 contact hours provided by the M. Louise Fitzpatrick College of Nursing at Villanova University, as the day incorporated two inspiring and educational presentations. The first presentation featured The Health Wagon, a mobile clinical practice for people who are ‘uninsured in the rural Appalachia Mountains of Virginia. Executive Director Dr. Teresa Tyson and Clinical Director Dr. Paula Hill shared their story as childhood best friends who have since dedicated their lives to caring for those unable to access adequate healthcare. As Southwest Virginia’s only safety net clinic, the Health Wagon is a $1.6 million dollar nonprofit serving some of the nation’s poorest residents.

Gold Foundation staff members (from left to right) President and CEO Dr. Richard I. Levin, Senior Fellow Nicole Napolitano, and Chief Program Officer, Dr. Elizabeth Cleek receive nurse honoree Edwin Obreen Koko’s award, alongside NWGI founder, Deb O’Hara-Rusckowski. Mr. Koko was in Kenya and unable to attend the celebration in New York.
For the second presentation of the day, Dr. Sarah L. Timmapuri, Chief Clinical Informatics Officer for Hackensack Meridian Health and Chief Executive Officer of the LIG Global Foundation, Inc., presented “Electronic Health Records: Nursing Burnout.” Dr. Timmapuri spoke about the impact of Electronic Health Records (EHR) on the practice of nursing, bridging the gap between clinical needs and IT realities with a focus on the patient. She also shared personal stories and brought the room to tears for a second time.

Nurse Honoree, Karen Gottlieb, RN, MBA (third from right), receives her award alongside NWGI founder, Deb O’Hara-Rusckowski, Gold Foundation Board Chairman, Richard C. Sheerr, Gold Foundation President and CEO, Dr. Rich I. Levin, and others from AmeriCares Free Clinics, Inc. (right to left).
The day concluded with an afternoon luncheon. Twelve exhibit tables in the upstairs Delegate Dining Room also allowed attendees to learn more about participating organizations, including the Gold Foundation.
This marks the first year that the Gold Foundation was part of the International Nurses Day at the United Nations and further extends the foundation’s involvement with nursing. Learn more about the foundation’s 2018 nursing initiatives.
Following the celebration’s success, Mrs. O’Hara-Rusckowski said, “I am thrilled to see that in one year, this event has more than doubled in size. This signifies the importance in recognizing nurses and honoring them in such a way that brings out the compassion and humanism in their hearts. Our hope is that this event will continue to grow, bringing together even more corporate and nonprofit organizations fostering an even greater global representation.”

More than 350 attendees gather into Conference Room 4 at the United Nations to celebrate International Nurses Day by honoring nurses around the globe for their commitment to serving others.