From left to right: Carol J. Fox, MD, FAAFP, Senior Vice-President and Chief Medical Officer, Excela Health, Gregory Pouliot, PhD, Behavioral Medicine Director, Memorial Hospital of South Bend, Dale Patterson, MD, Designated Institutional Official of Memorial Hospital of South Bend, DeWitt (Bud) Baldwin Jr. and his wife, Michele Baldwin, Larry Tracy, President, Memorial Hospital of South Bend and Richard Levin, MD, President and CEO, The Arnold P. Gold Foundation
March 2, 2018 — The Arnold P. Gold Foundation and the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) announced today the winners of the 2018 ACGME and Gold Foundation DeWitt (Bud) C. Baldwin, Jr. Awards: Excela Latrobe Hospital of Latrobe, Pennsylvania, and Memorial Hospital of South Bend, Indiana. The two hospitals were honored for fostering a respectful and supportive learning environment for graduate medical education.
The awards were presented in Orlando, Florida, as part of the 2018 ACGME Annual Educational Conference: Engaging Each Other: Transformation through Collaboration.
“Our two 2018 Bud Baldwin Award winners serve as examples of ideal learning environments, where a culture of humanism can be seen throughout their systems,” said Richard Levin, MD, President and CEO of The Arnold P. Gold Foundation. “By training young physicians in a culture of respect and compassion, Excela Health Latrobe Hospital and Memorial Hospital of South Bend are making a powerful difference for both their own patients and staff but also for the healthcare organizations where these residents will work in the future.”
The Bud Baldwin Award invites high-performing sponsoring institutions identified by the ACGME and Gold foundation to apply for a site visit to welcome a team of site visitors to assess the institution’s professionalism, collaborative behavior and positive environment. During the site visit, institutions demonstrate the professionalism and success in addressing medical education issues and implemented programs to support their application.
The ACGME and Gold Foundation DeWitt (Bud) C. Baldwin, Jr. Award originated in 2016 to highlight institutions with accredited residency/fellowship programs that are exemplary in fostering a respectful environment for medical education training. The award also seeks to highlight the focus of patient-centered care and compassion throughout the institution. Former winners include the Medical College of Wisconsin Affiliated Hospitals, Inc. of Milwaukee, Wisconsin; VA Caribbean Healthcare System of San Juan, Puerto Rico; Gundersen Lutheran Medical Foundation of LaCrosse, Wisconsin; Montana Family Medicine of Billings, Montana; Vanderbilt University Medical Center of Nashville, Tennessee; and Virginia Commonwealth University Health System of Richmond, Virginia.
To share the 2018 winning institution’s model behaviors and successful programs with other sponsoring institutions, each winning institution will be interviewed in the coming months and highlighted on our website.
We congratulate both Excela Latrobe Hospital of Latrobe, Pennsylvania and Memorial Hospital of South Bend, Indiana on this prestigious award and are proud to recognize them for fostering a respectful environment.
Read the full press release of all ACGME 2018 winners honored at the ACGME Annual Educational Conference.