On February 22, 2019, the second annual Thank a Resident Day, 115 institutions made a special point to thank their residents for their endless hard work and support. Here are some of the ways our participants celebrated:

Check out this wonderful video from the Penn State College of Medicine Kienle GHHS chapter thanking the residents at Penn State Hershey Medical Center.
This video was created by the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at the University of Wisconsin’s School of Medicine and Public Health for the 2019 Thank a Resident Day, sponsored by the Gold Humanism Honor Society.
Twitter was full of excitement as GHHS chapters and medical institutions shared their activities for Thank a Resident Day!
Today @WVUMedSchool @WVUHealth we celebrated #ThankaResidentDay #ghhs @GoldFdtn Here at Ruby Memorial Hospital @WVUMedicine we have 450+ residents. Every day, they dedicate themselves not only to patient safety but also #medstudent education and mentoring! Thanks for all you do! pic.twitter.com/FiCKceEnu3
— Jeffrey Cannon (@jeffreywcannon) February 22, 2019
Today is #ThankAResidentDay @TJUHospital @JeffersonUniv. Stop by the Atrium for a Philly Pretzel and fresh fruit! Thanks to all our residents and fellows. #WeImproveLives @GoldFdtn pic.twitter.com/55AW80rcfd
— Rich Webster (@RichWebsterTJUH) February 22, 2019
Today is the Gold Humanism Society’s 2nd annual #ThankaResidentDay! @dgsomucla will be joining the foundation in recognizing our #residents & #fellows. If you see any residents today, take a moment to thank them for all of their hard work! ➨ https://t.co/KdlhpX6u9u @GoldFdtn pic.twitter.com/3z8tS31m2E
— UCLA Health (@UCLAHealth) February 22, 2019
Our Emergency General Surgery Team at breakfast includes a medical student sub-intern & rotating Family Practice resident.
Thank you to all those future & non-Surgeon residents for your dedication & teamwork! #ThankAResidentDay #Teamwork #SurgEd #MedEd pic.twitter.com/nsQH0sx0f0
— University of Iowa Surgery (@UIowa_Surgery) February 22, 2019
We are thankful for our residents and their extraordinary efforts to make our surgery programs a success! Today, they enjoyed breakfast and complimentary hand massages from Josh Kelley, owner of Elevated Bodyworks. #ThankAResidentDay pic.twitter.com/skZknuBUKi
— Prisma Health–Upstate Dept. of Surgery (@ghs_surgery) February 22, 2019
Our wonderful office staff came to celebrate #ThankAResidentDay with us! They assured us it wasn’t JUST for the cupcakes! Seriously though, our program only succeeds due to their dedication, caring, and hard work! #MayoIMResidency #MedEd @AmyOxentenkoMD @GoldFdtn @MayoMedEd pic.twitter.com/jJgJTmEsM5
— Mayo Clinic Internal Medicine Residency Rochester (@MayoMN_IMRES) February 22, 2019
A BIG thanks to all of our #ZuckerSoM alumni currently in postgraduate training. This #ThankAResidentDay, take a moment to thank your residents and let them know how appreciated they are! pic.twitter.com/YpfvZIEeeh
— Zucker School of Med (@ZuckerSoM) February 22, 2019
Happy #ThankAResidentDay to all of our General Surgery residents @TJUHospital @JeffersonUniv ?⚕️? #WeImproveLives @GoldFdtn pic.twitter.com/jgxk9KeJU3
— Jefferson Surgery (@JEFFsurgery) February 22, 2019