The Arnold P. Gold Foundation has partnered with J3Personica to develop and customize a Humanism Assessment Tool (HAT) for medical and nursing students.
This tool will transform the Gold Foundation’s IE.CARES model of Integrity, Empathy, Compassion, Altruism, Respect, Resilience, Excellence and Service into a mechanism that can be used by students to increase their self-awareness about attributes necessary for becoming compassionate, humanistic caregivers. As part of the assessment, each student will receive a confidential personal profile as it relates to the IE.CARES attributes and institutions will have at their disposal a resource to support the health professional development activities of their students.
J3Personica (J3P), founded by Alan Friedman, is committed to advancing the way healthcare prepares people to care for patients. Driven by physician-led research and evidence-based tools, J3P partners with medical schools, graduate medical education organizations, and healthcare institutions in the identification and advancement of both their current and next generation of leaders.
In partnership with J3P, we have recruited nine sites – including allopathic and osteopathic medical schools as well as nursing schools – to pilot the HAT with their students over the next few months. We are grateful to these schools for contributing to the development of a tool that will greatly advance the fields of humanism, assessment, and education for healthcare professionals.
“The HAT will advance humanistic skills in the next generation of health professionals and help create communities of caring at the institutional level,” explained Dr. Richard Levin, President and CEO of the Arnold P. Gold Foundation. “These are not soft skills – they are essential to providing care that delivers the best health outcomes. We are very happy to partner with J3Personica to create an evidence-based resource that measures the human side of medicine to ensure that students and professionals are prepared to care for patients.”
“We are extremely proud of our partnership and collaboration with The Arnold P. Gold Foundation”, stated Alan Friedman, CEO of J3Personica. “The APGF’s mission and mandate mirrors our organizational goals of creating and increasing self awareness through the use of assessment within the clinical community. By providing a vehicle through the Humanism Assessment Tool, we will be furthering the the ability of clinical students to utilize a data based approach towards exhibiting more humanistic behavior towards patients.”
There is still room for more health professions schools to join the pilot. If you are interested in learning more, please contact Ann Bruder at