Gold Humanism Honor Society chapters and healthcare institutions throughout the nation celebrated Thank a Resident Day on Friday, February 24, 2023. Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn were filled with activities and beaming faces. Here is a small sampling, including warm wishes from Gold leaders and inspiring activities. Thank you to the 500+ residency sites that participated, and thank you to the 150,000+ resident physicians and fellows who care with such compassion every day. We see you, and we appreciate you!
Heartfelt gratitude from Gold Foundation President and CEO Dr. Richard Levin:
Warm wishes from Gold Humanism Honor Society Director Louisa Tvito:
EVMS is proud to celebrate the 435 residents & fellows who help deliver quality patient care at more than a dozen clinical training sites across Hampton Roads. @GoldFdtn | #ThankAResident | #ThankAFellow
— Eastern Virginia Medical School (@EVMSedu) February 24, 2023
Today is “Thank a resident physician day” – ¡Muchas gracias a todos y todas los residentes!❤️❤️❤️ #ACGME2023
— Pilar Ortega (@pilarortegamd) February 24, 2023
Our trainees are stars!🌟We are so grateful to have such dedicated trainees in our Department! #PurplePath #ThankAResidentDay @GoldFdtn
— Northwestern Pathology (@NU_Pathology) February 24, 2023
To our dear residents, today we express our sincerest gratitude to you!!! You really do it all! Patient care, learning from attendings, collaborating with allied health workers, and serving as mentors to us medical students. We see you. We appreciate you. #ThankAResidentDay 💛✨
— MCW Gold Humanism (@MCWGHHS) February 24, 2023
Reflecting on the fact that some of the most powerful learning and patient care experiences I’ve had in medicine are with residents & fellows. Thank you for exceptional patient care AND also serving as important role models and teachers for the next generation!#ThankAResidentDay
— Vinny Arora MD MAPP (@FutureDocs) February 24, 2023
Great big THANKS and appreciation to our Residents/ Fellows on #thankaresidentday @GoldFdtn from all of us @nicklausmeded @Nicklaus4Kids . A token of appreciation and celebration to our trainees and all trainees nationwide
— Rani Gereige MD MPH (@RGereigekidsdoc) February 24, 2023
Happy Thank a Resident & Fellow Day! 🎉 Thanks to all our amazing residents and fellows for showing up and working hard every day. We are so #UMNproud of you!#ThankAResident | #ThankAFellow | @GoldFdtn
— UMN Medical School (@umnmedschool) February 24, 2023
Today, Feb. 24 is Thank a Resident Day! Thank you to our stellar 11 medical residents & 3 physics residents who go above & beyond every day in their excellent patient care. #residency @GoldFdtn @ari_pollock @hrcherng @savlabansi @GSAlexanderMD @SohaBazyar @MaryMashyekhi
— University of Maryland Radiation Oncology (@UMarylandRadOnc) February 24, 2023
#FYIFriday It’s #ThankaResidentDay! Thank you to the amazing 150,000+ residents and fellows! Tag and share your messages of appreciation today, and thank you to the @GoldFdtn for creating the day.
— ACGME (@acgme) February 24, 2023
We’re proud to support #ThankaResidentDay and raise up the amazing work of the 153,000+ resident physicians that are part of our #academicmedicine community. Thank you for all you do!
— AAMC (@AAMCtoday) February 24, 2023
All day long, GHHS chapters and healthcare organizations around the world celebrated resident physicians and fellows for their invaluable contributions to humanistic care.

Follow us @GoldFdtn on Twitter and Instagram for much more!