Gold Foundation Events at the AAMC Annual Meeting
The 2016 Annual AAMC Meeting will take place Friday, November 11th-Wednesday, November 16th in Seattle, Washington. The Gold Foundation is proud to play a role in this year’s programming. We hope you can join us for the following events:
AAMC Arnold P. Gold Foundation Humanism in Medicine Award Recognition and Luncheon
Friday, November 11th, 11:30 AM, Sheraton: Grand Ballroom AB. Invitation only
The event will congratulate the recipient of this year’s Humanism in Medicine Award (announcement of winner is forthcoming).
Arnold P. Gold Foundation Reception
Saturday November 12th, 7:30pm-8:30pm, Sheraton: Ravenna
Reception for Arnold P. Gold Foundation grantees and guests. We will also honor the contributions of our outgoing board chair, Dr. Jordan J. Cohen.
Stories from Tomorrow’s Physicians: Facilitating Student Discussion of Humanism in Medicine
Speakers: Ajay Major, and Aleena Paul
Sunday November 13th, 1:15pm – 2:30pm, Center 6A
At In-Training, the online magazine for medical students, we believe that humanism is best instilled in medical trainees through grassroots, peer-driven initiatives that empower students to openly discuss their medical school experience and learn from one another. The presenters will provide tools and suggestions for initiating and facilitating student-run conversation about vital educational topics in medical learning environments.
Thought Leader Session: Jordan J. Cohen Humanism in Medicine Lecture
Transforming Healthcare in a Toxic Era: Shifting Medicine’s Paradigm to Increase Value and Meaning
Introduction: Richard I. Levin, MD Speaker: Louise Aronson, MD MFA
Sunday, November 13th, 3 PM, Center Ballroom II
Using stories, case studies, and data, this session will re-examine some of medicine’s underlying assumptions and explore alternative frameworks and strategies.
Emerging Solutions: New Programs to Develop Faculty into Humanistic Mentors
Speakers: Alice Fornari, EdD, RD and Daniel Wolpaw, MD
Monday, November 14th, 10:30 AM, Sheraton Grand Ballroom A
This session will provide examples of strategies used to help physicians and nurses in training and early practice be more humanistic in their care. These approaches have emerged from a novel mentor-training intervention funded by the Arnold P. Gold Foundation.
Posters Up, Wine Down
Monday, November 14th, 6-7:30 PM, Sheraton Grand Ballroom
Several Mapping the Landscape, Journeying Together grantees will present posters on their research in humanism.
Mapping the Landscape, Journeying Together Grantee Dinner
Monday, November 14th, 7:30 PM, Lola. Invitation only
Grantees of the Mapping the Landscape, Journeying Together initiative will gather for dinner at a local restaurant.
Grab and Go Lunch & Poster Session
Presenter: Elizabeth Gaufberg, MD MPH
Tuesday, November 15th, 11:45AM-12:45PM, Center 6E
Dr. Elizabeth Gaufberg, the Jean and Harvey Picker Director of the Arnold P. Gold Foundation Research Institute, and colleagues will present a poster titled “CEO Clinical Learning Environment Innovation Awards Program.”
Research in Medical Education: Innovation Oral Abstracts
Speaker: Elizabeth Gaufberg, MD MPH
Tuesday, November 15th, 1-2 PM, room 611-612
Dr. Elizabeth Gaufberg, the Jean and Harvey Picker Director of the Arnold P. Gold Foundation Research Institute, and colleagues will present “A Curriculum to Cultivate Change Agents: Twelve Years of Experience with a Required Medical Student Health Advocacy Curriculum in a Longitudinal Third Year Clerkship.”