November 3rd - 7th, 2017
Boston, MA
Hynes Convention Center 900 Boylston Street

Gold Foundation Events at the 2017 AAMC Annual Meeting

The 2017 AAMC Annual Meeting was held on November 3-7, 2017, at the Hynes Convention Center in Boston. The meeting welcomed the academic medicine community and beyond to discuss the future of medicine.  The Gold Foundation was excited to join the AAMC for another year of hosting events at the Learn Serve Lead meeting.




Friday | Nov. 3, 2017 | 11:30 AM – 1:00 PM    

Organization of Student Representatives Plenary: Arnold P. Gold Foundation Humanism in Medicine Award Recognition and Luncheon

The Arnold P. Gold Foundation Humanism in Medicine Award at the AAMC Annual Meeting honors caring and compassionate mentors in medical school education (announcement of winner is forthcoming). This year’s honoree was Laurie Woodard, MD, of University of South Florida Morsani College of Medicine, a passionate advocate for people with disabilities and an inspiration to her students.  Learn more about Dr. Woodard.

Saturday | Nov. 4, 2017 | 10:30 AM – 11:45 AM

Jordan J. Cohen Lecture Co-sponsored by the AAMC and The Arnold P. Gold Foundation

Speaker: Donald Berwick, MD, MPP, FRCP
President Emeritus and Senior Fellow
Institute for Healthcare Improvement

Topic: Professionals as Leaders of Health Care Reform

Health care’s performance and costs are driving public and private policy toward fundamental changes in design. On the whole, this redesign is proceeding without the sufficiently active participation of health care professionals. That should change. This lecture explored the need and opportunity for physicians, nurses, and other healthcare professionals to become willing and energetic agents of change for the common good.

The Arnold P. Gold Foundation, in partnership with the AAMC, sponsors the Jordan J. Cohen Humanism in Medicine Thought Leader Session at the AAMC Annual Meeting. These lectures feature prominent speakers on topics related to humanism and medicine.

Read about Dr. Berwick’s powerful talk on how healthcare must be designed, starting with shifting more power to patients.

Saturday | Nov. 4, 2017 | 6:30 PM – 8:30 PM

Gold Foundation Reception and Pearl Hurwitz Award Ceremony

Awardee: Veda Johnson, MD
Marcus Professor in General Academics and Pediatrics
Director, PARTNERS for Equity in Child and Adolescent Health
Emory University School of Medicine

Dr. Veda Johnson established the first school-based health clinics (SBHC) in an underserved Atlanta community in 1993. In 2009 she established Partners for Equity in Child and Adolescent Health to enhance the health and wellbeing of Georgia’s underserved children. To date, 22 SBHCs have been opened, reaching over 11,000 students in some of the state’s poorest communities. Dr. Johnson is an executive committee member of the American Academy of Pediatrics’ (AAP) Council on School Health. In addition, she serves as Chair of the School Health Committee for the Georgia Chapter of the AAP and the Georgia School-Based Health Alliance.

The Pearl Birnbaum Hurwitz Humanism in Healthcare Award is presented annually to a woman who exemplifies humanism and has advanced, through her scholarship, advocacy, leadership or work, the well-being of vulnerable or underserved populations in the healthcare arena.

Learn more about Dr. Johnson here.

Sunday | Nov. 5, 2017 | 10:30 AM – 11:45 AM     

Highlights in Medical Education Research: Empathy, Humanism, Burnout and Vitality

Facilitator: Lotte Dyrbye

Speakers: Elizabeth Gaufberg, Emily Carbaugh, Linda H. Pololi, Melissa Hirsch, Mike Levin, Sean Tackett

A Research Highlight is a report on a completed empirical investigation that contributes to medical education research and practice. This session highlights the following research:

The Jewel of Humanism, One Facet at a Time: A Longitudinal Study of Attributes of Gold Humanism Honor Society Inductees

How Do We Train Physicians for the Future? Predictors of Resident Vitality in 14 Academic Health Centers

Building the Evidence Base for Learning Communities in Medical Education: How Do These Communities Relate to Student Burnout, Quality of Life, and Empathy?

Addressing Medical School Culture around Mental Health: A Novel Approach to Promoting Medical School Wellness

Click here for descriptions of each of the four investigations.

Monday | Nov. 6, 2017 | 10:30 AM – 11:45 AM

Medical Student Mistreatment: A Multi-Specialty Perspective

Student mistreatment is often a symptom of burnout, depression, anxiety, or a manifestation of a prior event that happened to the perpetrator.  Sadly, the culture that allows medical student mistreatment, like child abuse behavior, is handed down from one generation to the next. The culture that allows this cycle of degradation to continue will only be broken when the behavior is identified by those who witness it and/or use it.

This project is now being tested in 9 medical schools with almost 1,000 participants. Come join us as we show and then discuss several of our illustrative 3- to 4-minute videos (ex “When Pimping Goes too Far”).  We will encourage a robust discussion of the topic and how your institution can get involved to help end this scourge, which is a significant contributor to physician burnout, lack of empathy, substance misuse, and even suicide.

Our guiding principal: If we are not part of the solution, then we are part of the problem.

Monday | Nov. 6, 2017 | 7:30 PM – 9:30 PM

Mapping the Landscape, Journeying Together Dinner (invitation only)

Past and present members of the Mapping the Landscape community of practice have been invited to join us for our annual AAMC dinner.

Tuesday | Nov. 7, 2017 | 10:15 AM – 11:30 AM     

Inside Out: Exploring the Assumptions That Drive Us as Educators
CENTER, 304-306

Speakers: Elizabeth Gaufberg, Holly Gooding

This interactive session will help participants cultivate skills of observation, reflection, and inquiry in order to explore the critical assumptions they hold about good teaching and learning. Working from a constructivist framework, the session will draw on conceptual tools such as the ladder of inference to uncover habits and thought patterns that may no longer serve us as educators. A deeper awareness of our own assumptions will allow us to articulate and dedicate ourselves to important driving principles of educational design.

Download the full description for this session abstract.

Learning Objectives:
• Deepen awareness and understanding of their own assumptions about teaching and learning
• Convert assumptions into stated principles of educational design
• Be able to distinguish between format-driven and principle-driven educational design
• Commit to a modest redesign of some aspect of one’s own teaching and learning activities based on stated principles
• Hone skills of observation, reflection and inquiry

Tuesday | Nov. 7, 2017 | 1:00 PM – 5 PM     

Close Looking for Medical Faculty: A workshop at the Museum of Fine Arts Boston

Join medical colleagues from across the country for an afternoon workshop at the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston focusing on building observation skills and improving communication by learning the Visual Thinking Strategies (VTS) method to achieve your education goals. VTS was developed by Harvard researcher and cognitive psychologist Abigail Housen and veteran museum educator and past Director of Education at the Museum of Modern Art, Philip Yenawine. This method has been used by medical school and graduate medical education programs across the country and its effectiveness has been documented in numerous research publications. This four-hour workshop led by art educators and medical faculty will introduce participants to the theory of VTS and will provide opportunities in the galleries to practice this method and connect the exercises with your own clinical teaching and practice. Leave at the end with tools and a framework to implement in your work.

Recommended for medical professionals.

Workshop is limited to 40 participants.

Art Educators
Brooke DiGiovanni Evans, Head of Gallery Learning, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Corinne Zimmerman, Director of Visitor Learning, Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum

Medical Faculty
Dr. Joel Katz, Director, Internal Medicine Residency, Brigham & Women’s Hospital
Dr. Elizabeth Gaufberg, Associate Professor of Medicine and Psychiatry, Harvard Medical School/Cambridge Health Alliance; Jean and Harvey Picker Director, Arnold P. Gold Foundation Research Institute