June 18th - 20th, 2018
Cleveland, Ohio

Cleveland Clinic’s 9th annual Patient Experience Summit

The Gold Foundation President and CEO, Richard I. Levin, MD, presented a breakout session at Cleveland Clinic’s 9th Annual Patient Experience Summit. The summit gathers together patient experience leaders, healthcare CEOs, innovators, nursing leaders, policy makers, major stakeholders, industry experts and patients who are committed to not just the patient or caregiver experience, but also the human experience.

Read about Dr. Levin’s talk here.

The Gold Foundation also hosted an Exhibitors Table on June 18-20.


Richard I. Levin, MD
“Finding Joy and Meaning in the Disrupted Work of Healthcare”

In these tumultuous times, with a perfect storm of massive disruption of a 2,500-year-old tradition, how do we maintain joy in the practice of medicine? How do we find the meaning in sharing power with patients as we care and heal? This session will share research around the joy in work and engage the audience in reflection. Lessons will come from a historic look at how medicine was once practiced very differently, as well as new guidelines around how clinician well-being can be successfully supported by hospital systems and individuals. Attendees will leave with strategies and ideas for combating burnout and thriving in this era, and ideally, a renewed hope that the joy can be restored to our important work of scientifically excellent, collaborative, compassionate patient care.

Learn more about the Patient Experience Summit.