April 27th, 2023
Baltimore and online
TIME:4:00-4:30 p.m. ET

AACOM’s Educating Leaders 2023 Conference: “Humanism in Healthcare” session

Gold leaders will be presenting at Educating Leaders 2023 in Baltimore, the conference of the American Association of Colleges of Osteopathic Medicine.

Session Title: Humanism in Healthcare: Harnessing the Aligned Values of Osteopathic Medicine and the Arnold P. Gold Foundation?


  • Patricia Sexton, DHEd, Kirksville College of Osteopathic Medicine
  • Ann Bruder, MA, Associate Vice President, Programs at The Arnold P. Gold Foundation,
  • Louisa Tvito, MSW, Director, Gold Humanism Honor Society and Program Initiatives at The Arnold P. Gold Foundation

Description: This session will outline the natural synergy between osteopathic medicine and the Gold Foundation to instill lasting humanism throughout a healthcare career.

  1. Participants will learn about the different levels of programming that the Gold Foundation creates and supports which are intended to promote humanism in healthcare throughout medical school, residency, and beyond.
  2. Participants will learn about the synergy between osteopathic medicine and the Gold Foundation.
  3. Participants will discuss and share successful ways that their institutions promote and foster humanism on their campus and for their students.

Learn more at AACOM’s Educating Leaders 2023 website.