AACOM’s Educating Leaders 2023 Conference: “Humanism in Healthcare” session
Gold leaders will be presenting at Educating Leaders 2023 in Baltimore, the conference of the American Association of Colleges of Osteopathic Medicine.
Session Title: Humanism in Healthcare: Harnessing the Aligned Values of Osteopathic Medicine and the Arnold P. Gold Foundation?
- Patricia Sexton, DHEd, Kirksville College of Osteopathic Medicine
- Ann Bruder, MA, Associate Vice President, Programs at The Arnold P. Gold Foundation,
- Louisa Tvito, MSW, Director, Gold Humanism Honor Society and Program Initiatives at The Arnold P. Gold Foundation
Description: This session will outline the natural synergy between osteopathic medicine and the Gold Foundation to instill lasting humanism throughout a healthcare career.
- Participants will learn about the different levels of programming that the Gold Foundation creates and supports which are intended to promote humanism in healthcare throughout medical school, residency, and beyond.
- Participants will learn about the synergy between osteopathic medicine and the Gold Foundation.
- Participants will discuss and share successful ways that their institutions promote and foster humanism on their campus and for their students.
Learn more at AACOM’s Educating Leaders 2023 website.