November 29th, 2022
40/40 Club
6 W 25th St. New York, NY 10010
TIME:6:00-8:30 p.m. ET

SHE: Successful Healthcare Entrepreneurship

Are you interested in being part of advancing integrated care models? Looking for collaboration with other healthcare professionals in the New York City area?

Join the Henry Schein Cares Foundation and CareQuest Institute on Tuesday, November 29, 6:00– 8:30 p.m. for SHE: Successful Healthcare Entrepreneurship, an interactive night of fun, comedy, and networking at one of NYC’s finest venues – the 40/40 club! Open bar, hors d’oevres and food stations will be available. Henry Schein, a founding member of the Gold Corporate Council, created Henry Schein Cares Foundation is a philanthropic vehicle for driving change toward building a healthier world.

The future state of healthcare will include a more diverse workforce and inclusive approach to practice, yet the medical and dental professions historically function in silos with limited collaboration between each other. Come join us as part of a targeted pilot effort towards interprofessional collaboration in primary care, by encouraging behavior change through a fun activity incorporating both medical and dental team professionals.

Learn more and register here.