2024 Jordan J. Cohen Humanism in Medicine Lecture at the AAMC Annual Meeting: “Wisdom at the Bedside”
The Gold Foundation, in partnership with the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC), sponsors the Jordan J. Cohen Humanism in Medicine Lecture at the AAMC Annual Meeting, which features prominent speakers on topics related to humanism and medicine.
This year’s speaker is Kimberly Manning, MD, a national leader in humanism and health equity, Emory Professor, and Gold Trustee. Dr. Manning will present a lecture titled “Wisdom at the Bedside.”
Session description: The longer time one spends in medicine, the more it becomes apparent that our most powerful teachable moments happen not through lectures, journal articles, test preparation, or textbooks—but simply through listening. Whether that be a patient, a person who steps onto the elevator, a worried loved one, a peer, or even children giggling on a playground—there is much to learn when we open ourselves to hearing from others. In this lecture, Dr. Manning takes us on a narrative journey through some powerful lessons learned through listening and reflecting—and will hopefully spark attendees to become more intentional about their interactions and seize more humanistic moments.