2023 AACN Deans Annual Meeting: Geraldine “Polly” Bednash Lectureship Award Lecture by Dr. Richard Levin
The American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN)’s Deans Annual Meeting provides Deans/Directors from member schools a unique platform to meet with peers and noted thought leaders and discover the latest data, innovations, and strategies on issues of interest in the policy, leadership, higher education, and workforce arenas. In an intimate setting, our deans and directors are given the opportunity to network and collaborate, while also strategizing and preparing to impact nursing education and the future of nursing.
The Deans Annual Meeting is a member-only event exclusive to the Dean/Director of AACN member schools of nursing. It is hybrid, both virtual and in Washington, D.C., March 25-27.
Gold Foundation President and CEO Dr. Richard Levin, who will be presented with the Geraldine “Polly” Bednash Lectureship Award, will be speaking on Sunday, March 26, 5-6 p.m.
Geraldine “Polly” Bednash Lectureship Award
The Struggle for Trust: Infusing Humanism into Health Care
Gold Foundation President and CEO Dr. Richard Levin will discuss the battering of trust in American society and its consequences for nurses and the health professions at large. In an era plagued by health misinformation and diminished regard for science, the value of expertise is under attack. Clinicians are exhausted and despairing from the moral injury of caring for those who deny the truth about what biomedical science brings to caring. Nurses remain the most trusted profession in the nation but sustaining the nursing workforce and the other healthcare professionals is a challenge of new urgency. We need leaders to guide us out of this crisis, and the solutions must be interprofessional. Dr. Levin will focus on the power of humanism and the human connection to restore trust and pave a brighter future for nurses, physicians, and all patients under our care.