10th Annual Music and Wellness Conference
This conference is presented by Cincinnati Music & Wellness Coalition and offers up to 5.25 CMEs learning how music modulates behavior and promotes healing.
Keynote addresses include a renowned neurologist speaking on psychosocial transformation through music and a professor from Indiana University using lessons from WWI and the 1918 flu pandemic in coping with trauma through music to inform today’s pandemic response. Speakers from The Ohio State University College of Medicine and Medical College of Wisconsin will describe music-making wellness programs for their medical students, and facilitators of evidence-based recreational music-making programs will answer questions and provide demonstrations.
Dr. Linda C. Stone, a former GHHS chapter advisor and Special Assistant to the Dean for Humanism and Professionalism at OSU College of Medicine, will be presenting an update on the Voices in Humanism Collaboration with the Cincinnati Music and Wellness Coalition, alongside Arlene de Silva, the CEO of Cincinnati Music and Wellness Coalition, and Jennifer Garvin, PhD, the Chair of the research team for the Linda C. Stone, MD Program for Humanism and the Arts in Medicine.
Voices in Humanism is a collaboration between the OSU GHHS Resident Chapter and the OSU Medical Heritage Center. The program is designed to collect, preserve and share art created during this time of dual pandemics – COVID-19 and racism. Watch a Gold Human InSight Webinar about Voices of Humanism.
The Music and Wellness Conference registration fee is $90, which includes CMEs. Call (513) 315-7393 to register or click here.