An invitational conference, sponsored by the Arnold P. Gold Foundation, the Schwartz Center for Compassionate Healthcare, and their academic partner The University of Chicago’s Bucksbaum Institute for Clinical Excellence, with support from the Josiah Macy Jr. Foundation, will be held in Atlanta, October 30-November 1, 2014.
Our vision is that at every interaction across the continuum of care, patients will reliably receive high quality, safe and effective care that is focused on their needs, concerns and preferences and is compassionate, collaborative, and coordinated. Without compassion, care may be technically excellent but depersonalized and cannot address the unique cultures, concerns, distress and suffering of patients and their families.
Rationale: Compassion, mutual respect, shared knowledge and goals, and collaborative practice among clinicians and teams, and patients and their families are essential prerequisites to meet the challenges of the “Triple Aim.” As we treat each other, so shall we treat our patients.
The goals of this conference are to ensure that the values, knowledge and behaviors needed to provide compassionate and collaborative patient-centered care are explicitly taught, learned, demonstrated and sustained within interprofessional education (IPE) and team-based care across the spectrum of settings in which people receive health care.
Request For Abstracts – Advancing Compassionate, Patient- and Family-Centered Care through Interprofessional Education for Collaborative Practice
The Schwartz Center for Compassionate Healthcare and the Arnold P. Gold Foundation are pleased to announce a Request for Abstracts (RFA) in association with the “Advancing Compassionate Care” conference.
A select group of applicants will be invited to attend the conference and to present posters on exemplary initiatives that foster and provide compassionate care in clinical settings through interprofessional education and collaborative practice.
Below find the RFA cover letter and instructions (PDF format). The deadline for submission of a 300-word application is May 30, 2014. Funding for travel and overnight stay will be provided to those selected to present posters and attend the conference.
Download RFA Cover Letter and Instructions
For general questions about the conference or RFA, reach Bev Freeman: