Cheat sheet

Content updates

Pages have the following content elements:

Featured image:

Appears first on the page, always full width. It is optional.
Add this image using the Featured Image uploader at right.

Content editor

Note that when copying from Word or other editing programs, first click the Paste as text icon in the toolbar, so that all formatting is taken out.


The content on a page can be separated in sections separated by a gold rule by inserting More tags in the text.
All text in the content editor before the first More tag will be displayed as  intro text, using a larger font type.


Use Heading 3 and Heading 4 and Heading 5 tags to style headlines in the text.

  • Heading 3 text will display in the left margin
  • Heading 4 text appears bold, slightly larger
  • Heading 5 text appears bold, same size as regular copy

PDF Links within the text

It’s the same process as for adding an image:

– When in the editor click Add Media
– Upload the pdf
– Click ’Insert into page’

Now a link to the pdf is inserted in the text.

– Select the linked text, click the pencil to edit
– Now click the gear icon
– Customize the text for the link
– Select ‘Open link in a new tab’

– Click ‘Update’

Lists of people or institutions

To add a list of people or institutions on a page we’ll use the “People & Institutions” plug in.

  1. Create a Group on the Groups page under the People & Institutions section
  2. Add people or institutions to the group
  3. Implement the shortcode on the page:  “simple-staff-list group=”GROUP-SLUG””

Place this text between two square brackets []
Replace GROUP-SLUG with the slug displayed in the most right column of the group list table.


All programs have a landing pages from which the following elements can be managed for the section:

  • Left hand navigation
  • Action links
  • Contacts
  • Program category
  • Brief description

Left hand navigation and Action Links
Pick sub-pages from the dropdown.
The Label field is optional and overrides the page title in the navigation

You can pick staff members from the dropdown

Brief description
Text to appear on the Program Landing page can be entered in the field “Excerpt” towards the bottom of the page

Page admin list

  • Under Pages, the list can be filtered by Parent Page
  • Programs can be filtered by Program Category as well

Social Media and Link Buttons

These are buttons that display at the bottom of the home page, on the Newsroom page.

They can be inserted in text as well.

To manage:

  • In admin in the left hand list select “Social Media and Link Buttons”
  • Here you see a list of buttons used
  • Each can have a title and a url link
  • Each is of one of the following types:
    • Text Link (for these you can add a label and select a background color)
    • Social Media (For these you can add an image)
To insert a styled button in the text:
– Click the yellow icon in the icon bar above the content editor, top row at right (screenshot) “APG link Button”
– A dialog screen appears, select your button from the dropdown
This will insert a shortcode in the text that will render the styled button.


To add an event, click on Posts and more choices will be revealed below it. Click on the word Events.

Look at past Events to see how to construct what is displayed then at the top of the page click Add a New Event.

Write the text for your new event, add a Featured Image, and click Publish.

Adding a Blog Author

To make someone an author go to Dashboard > people and institutions > either create a person or search for a person > edit > add to the group “Blog Authors”. Authors should have a brief description of role along with a headshot.

Changing an excerpt

To change an excerpt of any blog post go to screen options (top right of the blog post) > check off “excerpt” > box will appear at bottom of page > edit.